
I was recently introduced to the game of Pickleball and immediately transitioned from tennis, which I had just started playing a year earlier. Prior to this, I never knew such a game existed; a game you could enjoy and have positive social experiences.

After having played for about 3 months, I noticed young kids and teenagers would show interest – probably just out of curiosity, and I would teach them the basics of the game and they, just like in my experience, loved it. What better way to get these young ones off the couch, their phones and video games into an environment where they could exercise while having positive social interaction with the community. They could speak to actual people as opposed to the screens (whatever form those took); they could busy themselves with exercise while having much fun and stir clear of drugs and alcohol. They would meet and interact with their mates and seniors; learning how to build both relationships and wisdom.

The rate at which the game Pickleball (PB) is growing, it is safe to say that “scholarship adoption” can be seen in the horizon.

We see a community being involved in making this dream a reality…these are not just kids, they are your children, friends and neighbours; they are the consumers of your products and soon to be the community builders. What they get now, they are more likely to give back when the time comes.

So join us and get your kids “out of the KITCHEN” and onto the courts!

Emmanuel Idah | Pickleball Compete